We would like to be able to export the data of the board in the form of a table, containing the following information as columns :
- Number of votes
- Title of the suggestion
- Name of the person who posted the suggestion
- Description of suggestion
- Status of suggestion
- Date of publication
- Name of the voters (as a list, each name separated by a comma)
Each row would then correspond to a feature suggestion.
The need of this export feature comes from the fact that we have lots of internal people who are very “spreadsheet” driven and they prefer to have their data on Excel.
Activity Newest / Oldest
AirBrief Team
Batch export of all boards in one operation would be useful.
Mike (Upvoty)
You can now export all of your board's data! :) You can do this in 2 ways:
1) Export all the data: 'Boards -> Export'
2) Export board-specific data: 'Boards -> Select a board -> Export'
Ali Hussain
Hey Mike, i want to export board posts with customer email but right now i am not able to do that is there anyway we can achieve this?
Mike (Upvoty)
Status changed to: Live
Mike (Upvoty)
Status changed to: In progress
We would like to be able to export the data of the board in the form of a table, containing the following information as columns :
- Number of votes
- Title of the suggestion
- Name of the person who posted the suggestion
- Description of suggestion
- Status of suggestion
- Date of publication
- Name of the voters (as a list, each name separated by a comma)
Each row would then correspond to a feature suggestion.
The need of this export feature comes from the fact that we have lots of internal people who are very “spreadsheet” driven and they prefer to have their data on Excel.
For example (cf. screenshot)
Mike (Upvoty)
Wow Clara, thank you so much! We will definitely work on this one!