Mike (Upvoty) |
This way you can add an existing (or new) user to the voters of a specific feedback post. When you add them as a new user with their email address, they will receive new updates related to this post, just like a normal voter would! 🙌
Perfect example: when a user asks about a certain feature that's already on your roadmap, you can now add them and tell: "This feature is on our product roadmap and I've added you to the list of voters. This way you will receive a notification when it's live!"
Activity Newest / Oldest
Mike (Upvoty)
Yes! It's live! Simply click 'Add voter' and choose an existing user or create a new one. The new user will be notified instantly.
Mike (Upvoty)
Status changed to: Live
Mike (Upvoty)
Status changed to: In progress
Christine McCarley
This will be awesome!
Mike (Upvoty)
Yeah, Christine! We need this in our life too 🙌 it will be shipped asap
Mike (Upvoty)
Status changed to: Planned